Construction du MC 100 N° 140

Construction du MC 100 N° 140

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Hello everyone and a big congrats to the aircraft builder for a fantastic job done so far. Very impressive.

I have always had a desire to build an aircraft and have been doing research on all the various kits and plans built aircraft on offer.

I fell in love with the MC100 instantly when I read about it. The MC100 is nothing short of incredible. Apart from the amazing performance numbers, it seems to be a very solid and well designed aircraft looking at the build photos on this website.

To help make my decision, I want to find out more about the flying characteristics but there aren't too many videos around at the moment showing builders testing the various aspects of their aircraft. There aren't that many articles on this topic on the web either.

Does anyone have any first hand information about the stall characteristics of the MC100 and also its slow speed handling especially considering it uses a flaperon system for control.

I would also like to know if Michel Colomban is still selling the plans for the MC100 and what the approximate cost of parts for building the aircraft is excluding avionics/electrics and engine.

Thank you in advance.


1 appréciations
Hello Skytical
You can see in « L?avion de Michel Colomban » the main MC100 characteristics.
Only the frame should not cost more than 12000 ? included some tools as folding, turning milling and drilling machines (small), a kit of few machined parts (1000 ?) and the canopy (1420 ?)
But after you have to buy (5000?) a kit of compound parts as the main landing gear leaf ,engine cover and so on, parts which are not designed on MC?s layouts
However layouts are very nice and accurate
The PV50 propeller costs 5000 ?
I think you can purchase plans directly to MC (Mr Mme Michel Colomban 37 B rue Lakanal 92500 Rueil Malmaison)
Best regards
Administrateur du blog

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Thank you Maurice for the information.

I will send a request to Mr Colomban for the plans. Hopefully with that, I will be able to
generate a more accurate costing using the parts list.

I have another quick question for you. What are the dimensions of the instrument panel, i.e the width and the height?

Kind Regards


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95 cm x 23 cm, it's ok to set up an Ipad, but there is a lot of work before, please see "tableau de bord"
Administrateur du blog

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Thanks again Maurice!

Much appreciated. Your aircraft is really taking shape I must say.

Your idea with the Ipad is a very good one. There are technologies around now that allow you to even display engine information using a wireless interface. This is very economical compared with the conventional EFIS and is more adaptable I think.

I really cant wait to see your aircraft completed.

More grease to your elbows.



1 appréciations
There have been problems on this blog because it was full in free version and now I have to pay 19 ? a year
I can afford ,but your last message has disappeared
Congratulation for the 172 set of dwg ,don't be afraid it seems complicate and it is,I haven't one other expérience of building a plane but I think the MC100 is design to be efficient and light not to be easy to build ,it's not a RV or a Sonex
Administrateur du blog

Hello Maurice

I havent seen any posts from you in a while but I trust that by now you are on the final lap to
the completion of your MC100.

I have spent the past few months trying to make sense of the plans and to decide if I am actually 
capable of building this amazing aircraft and I am happy to report that the plans make perfect sense 
and I am very positive that I will build this aircraft.

I am currently acquiring all the tooling that I think I may need in preparation. The most important tools being a bending brake, a band-saw, drill press and a table saw.

I have a quick question though. What do you think about using 2024 t3 aluminium sheets instead of 2017 t3? I know in the materials list Michel Colomban  actually suggests that if there is no 2017 t3 aluminium that 2024 can be used but I would like to know your personal opinion.

Kind regards


1 appréciations
Bonjour Ben
2024 is now a standard in the great aviation, may be it is a little stiffer than the 2017 but I do not notice a difference when manufacturing , on my plane the skin of the wings is in 2017 and the fuselage in 2024, and it seems easier to find 2024.
And later you need also a turning and milling machine and an oxyacetylene torch
Bon travail
Administrateur du blog

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Yes 2024 is very common on commercial aircraft and is easy to come by which is  why I am
contemplating using it Extensively. I am glad to Hear That forming the MC 100 parts with 2024 is not a problem. I think 2024 is lighter and also stronger than 2017 with similar resistance to corrosion. 

As far as milling some of the parts go, I spent a lot of time last year refreshing my Aotocad skills and I have actually digitised  a few of the parts. I am looking at acquiring a CNC router to mill some of the little parts from. 

I am having to learn a lot in preparation for this build and I am finding it very exciting. Its interesting to think that in a couple of years time, if I dont give up, I will end up with an MC 100 !!!! Cant wait !!


Dernière modification le dimanche 10 Mai 2015 à 23:36:16

Hello Maurice,

Do I take it from your comment in the Work in Progress section that your MC-100 is
virtually ready for its test flight??

That Would be very exciting news. I suspect you probably have to do the final paint work
and then have the Aviation Authorities inspect it for registration  and the issue of your test flight permit.

Have you got any dates for the test flight?

Cant wait to see what the aircraft looks like.



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Hello Maurice

It is quite strange how excited I am about your completion of this project! It is as though I was the one that built the aircraft. 

Very soon it will achieve the feet for which is was built and another MC-100 would have joined the flock.

I have one very humble request. What ever you do, please make a video of the first flight! This will serve as great motivation for those of us who have just started the journey.

Good luck with the final preparations 


Hello Ben
The tune up is in progress, there is a very tiny leakage of cooling liquid but a leak anyway, in a very difficult place to go, and a fuel pressure too low, and CHT gaudges does't work and a hight temperature glue which smokes under the engine bonnet like you can see at the super constellation start .......
But the main probléme now is that i need a trailer to carry my plane to the nearest airfield Lyon Corbas 12 km distant, this is what i start be cntinued.
Thank you for your support

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Hello Maurice

Thanks for the update and sorry to hear about the little gremlins that are popping up.

Considering that you have built an entire aircraft from scratch, I have no doubt that you will take these issues in your stride.

I can see the trailer is taking shape; the aircraft looks good on it even at this stage in its construction.

Looking forward to the first flight.

Good luck.


Hello Maurice

Congratulations on your first flight a couple of days ago. I saw a short clip of the takeoff on youtube
and it was quite impressive.

You must be extremely glad that after all these months of work, that your creation actually flies.

Please keep the videos coming and when you can provide us with some performance details i.e. take off distance, climb rate and cruise speeds.

Congrats again and many happy landings.

Kind regards


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What is the price for plans? And did I understood correctly that I have to write plain mail to Mr. Colomban and he will send me back the plans with payment via post office (on receive)?
Thank you.

Yes you have to contact M Colomban it,s the only solution

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Bonjour, d'abord félicitations et remerciements pour votre blog qui est très instructif.
J'ai une question relative aux axes principaux des voilure.
Comment sont ils bloqués dans le cadre principal?
Y a t il une vis diamètre 10 ou est ce via une pige de diamètre 10 qui est ke diamètre du trou central de ces axes?
Ce n'est pas clair pour moi. 
Merci d'avance

1 appréciations
Les axes principaux de voilure sont emmanchés durs dans les longerons et sont bloqués longitudinalement par les flancs intérieurs du cadre 4, le trou de 10 c'est uniquement pour enlever de la matière inutile qui pèse ,idem dans les axes carrés qui supportent le train principal dans lesquels je ne les ai d'ailleurs pas fait.
Bonne construction
Administrateur du blog

Merci pour votre rėponse
Gérard weber

Sorry Vladimir I missed your message, yes this is up to date exept that dyn'aéro disapeared

Bravo, son Гєtil su opiniГіn

Es conforme, este pensamiento muy bueno tiene que justamente a propГіsito

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Hello Maurice, Its been a while since we had any posts from you. I trust all is well.

I think it will be a very good idea to start a new forum about - flying the MC100- now that the building process is over.

I think its always a good thing to get some first hand information from someone who actually flies the aircraft. Maybe I can set the ball rolling with one or two questions;

1. How would you describe the stall characteristics of the MC100. How much warning do you get and also how does it stall. For example, does it lose one wing first or both at the same time and also is it very abrupt.

2. Have you tried to stall it close to maximum take-off wait? what is the stall speed at this weight?.

3. I have read about the adverse yaw tendencies of the Dynaero VLA which is literally like the MC100 because they share the same wing. How is the slow speed handling of the MC100 like? Do you need a lot of rudder?

Kind regards

HelloSkytical (I think it's a pseudonym), congratulations on bringing the MC100 to
fruition, many have given up.It's afantastic aircraft with very sound flying characteristics, but it's not a 172
or a Dr 400, so it needs to be looked after.With equalpower, the MC100 works better than the Mcr, it's lighter and more stable in
yaw, which is certainly due to its flat fuselage sides, mine is very stable on
all three axes, but extremely lively at the controls, its roll rate is
impressive, the rudder reaction violent, the pitch sensitive, it took me quite
a long time to find a good trim setting.In soloflight, with reduced engine if you gently pull back on the stick, there's no
stall warning, whatever the flap position, the aircraft remains very stable and
sinks without vibration, but with a high sink rate and no tendency to go off to
one side, unless of course you pull back hard on the stick.I've neverstalled at max weight, and I don't want to, but with two big heavies and little
fuel it's centred at the back limit and tends to pitch up too quickly on
take-off, and you have to be careful during the landing flare for the same
reason. It pitches up very quickly and sinks with a high sink rate, but you can
make up for this and make a kiss by adding a little gas during the flare.In soloflight, it's a magical airplane. You cantake off with one notch of flap or smooth, there's not much difference and you
very quickly get the maximum climb speed, around 160Km/h 2000ft/mn (solo) but
be careful to push full throttle gently with the rudder fully to the right,
otherwise it has a furious desire to leave the runway to the left.On final,even with the flaps (flaperons) fully extended, it glides a lot, but reacts
very well when sliding to increase the sink rate (125 min). With the flaps in
the fully extended position, you can take it to 110 (solo) on final, but the
ailerons become totally ineffective, so don't use this position if there's a
crosswind or turbulence.I fly aglider more often than my MC100, so the reverse yaw of the MC100 ?? I don't
know what we're talking about?Please letme know about your first flight, never neglect your checklist and fly safely.friendly Maurice

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Thanks for the response Maurice.

I think you misunderstood me when I said about starting a new forum about flying the aircraft. I was making a suggestion to you since you have completed yours and there is no more building to be done. I am sure there are a few people out there that would find the information very useful.

Mine is still far from completion.

Kind regards 


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Sorry Maurice, with regards to the adverse yaw tendencies, I read in an MCR review that at full flaps and low speeds, because of the flaperons, there was a tendency for the aircraft to yaw in the other direction of a turn. But from what I gather from your response there is no response from the ailerons at all in that configuration. Do the ailerons provide any effect at full flaps at a slightly higher speed than 110?


Hi BenFull flapis only used in a straight line on final in calm air, I've never tried a full
flap turn, I'll try it on a future flight but at a good altitude.Good eveningMaurice

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